The Kingdom of Dathyn
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Rain Jisherby

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Rain Jisherby Empty Rain Jisherby

Post by Rain Jisherby Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:32 pm

Name: Rain Jisherby (Also known as 'Hecate' to the Shadows Rising)
Age: 16
Birthday: October 31
Type of Magical Creature: Witch


Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Long and curly, loose over her shoulders
Eye Color: Brown
Other: Sharp green skin


Likes: Magic, freedom, flying, books (specifically spell books)
Dislikes: Traitors, cowards, humans, water
Strengths: Fire spells and general spell-work, lying, intelligent, witty, sarcastic, cynical, flying, potions
Weaknesses: Water


History: Rain was born just about the same way every other witch was born; when magic and lightning met, a witch was born. Like all other witches, Rain had to learn survival for herself, teaching herself spells and such. When Rain was 14, the king of Dathyn began prosecuting the magical creatures, and Rain, being a magical creature herself, sought refuge in the resistance and when she was 16 actually joined.
Rain has been working for the resistance ever since, and is (seemingly) very loyal to it.
For a few months after Rain joined the resistance, she began feeling incredibly frustrated with it's actions. Rain felt that it wasn't enough; they had to take more drastic movements if they were to go anywhere with their cause. So after a few weeks of plotting and planning, Rain flew to the forests or agern to seek out the tree spirit king- Rain obviously casting a darkness spell to cover her skin and hide her identity. After a bit of discussion, they reached a mutual agreement that the king would start another 'resistance' sort of thing, but with much more vicious intent. The tree spirit king would be the face of the operation, and Rain would lead it in the shadows.

Other: Rain was born... differently to other witches because of her skin and a strange aversion to water. She is terrified of it. Normally witches look like normal female humans, but something went wrong with Rain. She has tried very hard all her life to find some way of making herself normal, be it potions, spells or herbs. Due to her odd skin color and inability and fear to touch water, she is rather bitter toward people and life in general.
Rain Jisherby
Rain Jisherby

Posts : 17
Gold Coins : 4563
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2011-12-11

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